Way To Jannah is the best Islamic App that provides collective Islamic content on a single platform. The App leads its users towards comprehensive Quran, Hadith and Seerah guide one can listen and learn in an easy way very quickly. It also has comprehensive audios and books in several categories based on the requirements of the users.The App delivers a short commentary of the Holy Quran. These audios are available in 30 parts.The App has a collection of 100+ Ahadiths in Arabic and in Urdu languages. These Ahadiths are in line with the chapters and topics from widely accepted and authentic Hadith books.The App contains an engaging Seerah section which caters all the important incidents of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These stories are narrated in the most appealing way. The App also offers a brief Tajweed section which teaches how to recite the Qur’an with proper Tajweed. This section also provides short lessons on basic topics. App teacher guides exclusive lessons with images.For users’ daily routine Azkaar section has been built to help learn Azkaar from the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Different supplications from the Holy Qur’an have also been selected for memorization.App Book section provides access to a large number of Islamic books for its readers. These books are available in different categories on various topics.App’s Family Ties and Women section is the key feature for learning the value of women and maintaining the bonds in relationships.This beautiful App is designed in a structured manner which splits up into various categories to provide precious Islamic knowledge.Key Features of Way to Jannah are:1. Summary of Qur’an2. Ahadiths3. Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW)4. Books5. Tajweed6. Azkaar7. Theme Events8. Women Section9. LecturesWay To Jannah is an excellent App for every woman’s mobile phone. Its attractive interface and content presentation can help the users learn precious knowledge in their daily lives.